Per Ticket Contract report

SECURITY  Client Portal Manager or Taskfire Administrator security level

NAVIGATION   > Reports > Per Ticket Contract Report

This is a report that lets you view your Tickets Remaining and Current Tickets Remaining, grouped by organization Your Client Portal instance may be configured to use one fo the following terms instead: Account, Business Unit, Client, Company, Customer, Site. and contract. It can be filtered by contract status.

The following sections of data are available:

  • Contract: [Contract Name] [contract date range]: This header row details the contract information including number of Tickets Used on the Contract as well as the Current Tickets Remaining.
  • [#]Tickets [ticket purchase date range]: This section details the completed tickets that consumed an incident including its Create Date, Created By, Complete Date, and Hours Worked. The ticket can be accessed by clicking on the ticket number from within the report.