Taskfire only: transferring a ticket to a service provider
SECURITY Taskfire security levels only
NAVIGATION > Tickets > Ticket Search > Open the ticket you want to transfer to a service provider
You can set up your internal help desk in such a way that most tickets are auto-transferred to a service provider using request types and out of office settings. Refer toTaskfire: managing request types.
But there are times when you might need to manually transfer a ticket:
- On the task bar of the Ticket The Autotask entity that tracks service requests, incidents or problems that were added to Autotask by your customers, internal employees, or remote monitoring software. Detail page, click Transfer. The Transferring Ticket dialog window opens:
- Populate the following fields:
Field | Description |
Transfer to: | The radio button defaults to our organization Your Client Portal instance may be configured to use one fo the following terms instead:
Account, Business Unit, Client, Company, Customer, Site. name. If you select this option, the ticket will appear in the appropriate queue in our database where we will see it and schedule work on it. A new external status (Transferred Status Indicates the current state of an Autotask entity.) and external priority (Transferred Priority) will appear. We may ask you a question via a system note. If we do, you'll be notified. Or, we may complete the ticket, in which case your internal Status will be updated to Transfer Complete, and you'll be notified that our work on the ticket is finished. |
If you select Other vendor, via email:, a snapshot of the ticket is taken and is pasted into an email, which is sent to the vendor. A new external ticket status Transferred to this Vendor A company that provides goods and services to your company. appears with the name of the vendor (click the name to view the contact information). You will still need to track and update the ticket in Client Portal A branded web portal through which you and your service providers can collaborate on tickets and projects.. | |
Vendor selection dropdown | This field is only enabled when Other vendor, via email: is selected. Select another vendor from the drop-down menu. |
Note A way of tracking additional information associated with an Autotask entity. | Enter text describing the issue and why you are transferring the ticket. |
- Click Save. The ticket is transferred to the selected vendor.
NOTE The source of transferred tickets defaults to Client Portal in the service provider's database.